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 Loudoun Food Pantry 

Feeding the Hungry, Nourishing the Soul



Every month the St. Louis Martin Council distributes Blue Bags after mass to be filled with food and returned the following week.  The brothers in the council take the food to the Catholic Charities Loudoun Food Pantry (113 Executive Dr, Bldg 2, Suite 110, Sterling, VA 20166) for those in need. The Food Pantry distributes approximately 8,900 pounds of food per month to 156 families (637 individuals).  Each family receives enough food to last about a week. 


About 13,390 people in Loudoun County do not know where their next meal is coming from, and 8,090 of them are children.  St. Theresa Parish donates 3000 - 5000 pounds of food each month. Your generosity makes a difference.

Jesus said: "What ever you do for the least of these you do for me."  When you place a gift in the hand of the needy, it is Jesus who receives your gift.

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