Catholic Resources
Knights of Columbus Monthly Food Drive
Knights of Columbus Monthly Food Drive

FOCUS Presentation
July 20th @ 7pm (Parish Hall)
Join the Knights for a special presentation from two Fellowship of Catholic University students.
Catholic Resources
Call or text Bill Lupinacci, a licensed Abbate Agency KofC agent for help with Knights special offerings for retirement asset protection, estate growth, long term care and life insurance.
TOLL FREE: 833-KOFCINS (833-563-2467)
CELL AND TEXT: 703-624-9687
Office Address: Bill Lupinacci
Knight of Columbus Abbate Agency
2911 Hunter Mill Road
Suite 205
Oakton VA 22124
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Frequently Asked Questions
Knights of Columbus Monthly Food Drive
"Feeding the Hungry - Nourishing the Soul"
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” - Matthew 25:40
Saint Theresa’s Knights of Columbus Council is leading the charge to combat hunger in our county. Through the generous monthly efforts of Saint Theresa parishioners, the Knights collect and deliver between 3,500 – 5,000 pounds of food to the Catholic Charities Loudoun Food Pantry in Sterling, VA each month. Your generosity truly makes an impact in the lives of our brothers and sisters in our county!
Want to get involved?
You can provide an immediate impact every single month. First, pick up one of the blue bags after Mass the third weekend of each month and return it the following weekend filled with recommended food items. Second, the Knights are always in need of volunteers to sort the bags on Sunday and deliver the food to the Catholic Charities Food Panty (near the end of each month.)

Finally, you can also donate the following for the Knights to drop off to the Pantry to buy milk, eggs, and other perishable items.
Gift Cards: The Loudoun Food Pantry accepts gift cards (Wegmans preferred) to purchase needed items. Place gift cards in an envelope marked “Catholic Charities” (or “CCDA”).
Checks: make payable to “Catholic Charities” and put “Loudoun Regional Office” (or “LRO”) in the memo portion.
Place the checks or gift cards in the lock box labeled “Divine Mercy Outreach.” They are mounted on the wall by each Church entrance. (Note: the box in the Narthex is located by the elevator). The DMO Director will arrange to deliver the donations to the Pantry.
Email Torsten Koehler for more details on how to volunteer and get involved!
Total Delivered (June 2024): 4,486 lbs.
Total Delivered (2023-2024 Fraternal Year): 50,005 lbs.
Total Delivered (since June 2020): 207,391 lbs.